Public Function modify_dr_mtl(ByVal mtl_log_objid As Long, _
ByVal repair_code As String, _
ByVal failure_code As String, _
ByVal mod_level As Long, _
ByVal billable As Integer, _
ByVal bill_to As String, _
ByVal wrk_center As String, _
ByVal disposition As Integer, _
ByVal ref_designator As String, _
ByVal notes As String, _
ByVal transaction_id As String, _
ByVal perf_by As String, _
ByVal creation_time As String) As Integer
Theis API allows modification of material that is logged against a depot repair part.
Parameter Name Required? Description
mtl_log_objid Yes Object ID of specified mtl log.
repair_code No Repair type for this usage of material.
failure_code No Failure code for the part being serviced.
mod_level No Part and revision of the material that was put in use.
billable No Indicates whether material usage is billable.
bill_to No Indicates who is billed for the material.
wrk_center No Indicates the location where material was used.
disposition Yes Indicates how the material relates to the depot repair part.
ref_designator No Describes a reference location or designation for the part.
notes No Description area for the material usage activity.
transaction_id No Indicates the id of the GL transaction associated with this material usage.
perf_by No Indicates the technician who performed the labor.
creation_time No Indicates the time this action is logged. Will default to the current time if a
different time is not supplied.
Value Meaning
0 No errors
-1 Specified Repair Code is not in database
-2 Specified Bill To Material is not in database
-3 Specified Work Center is not in database
-4 Specified Material Log record is not in database
-5 Related Onsite Log record is not in database
-6 Related Demand Detail record is not in database
-7 Specified User is not in database
-8 nable to find Standard Cost for part revision
· Change material applied in mtl_log 268435465. The job was done by user "db" in the Lab, billable to the customer. No other changes are being made at this time.
var material_log_objid = 268435465;
var repair_code = "";
var failure_code = "";
var mod_level = 0;
var bill_to = "Customer";
var wrk_center = "Lab";
var disposition = "";
var ref_designator = "";
var notes = "";
var transaction_id = "";
var creation_time = "";
var perf_by = "db";
var billable = 1;
var retval = FCDR.modify_dr_mtl(material_log_objid, repair_code, failure_code,
mod_level, billable, bill_to, wrk_center,
disposition, ref_designator, notes, transaction_id,
perf_by, creation_time);